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From Our Blog:
Scuba Diving As Exercise
After you learned how to use all of the scuba diving equipment in class and got certified, you probably wanted to get planning your first real trip to see what you could see underwater. But did you know there are also a few other benefits from scuba diving besides just looking at things underwater?... Continue Reading

Redfish Rental Inc

3001 Fairchild Drive
New Iberia, LA
Get Directions

(337) 367-0802
(337) 359-8818
Our products and services include air compressors, air compressors - lp & hp, air tools, backhoes, blowers & heaters, chain hoist, chain saws, compaction eqpt, concrete eqpt, concrete equipment, concrete finishers, construction equipment, contractors, diesel, diving, dollies, dozers, drain cleaners, electric tools, equipment rental for:, excavators, floor care eqpt, fork lifts, forklifts, gas, generators, guillotine saws, homeowners, house washers, hydraulic hose reels, hydraulic power units, hydraulic tools, jacks & hoists, jet pumps, ladders, lawn & garden, lift bags, lifting equipment, lighting eq, lighting eqpt, lighting equipment, locally owned & operated - 24 hour service, man, man & sciss or lifts, man & scisso, man & scissor l, man & scissor lifts, man & scissorlifts, mini excavators, oilfield, oilfield & contractors, oilfield - contractors - homeowners, oilfield contractors homeowners, painting eqpt, painting equipment, plumbing eqpt, plumbing equipment, pole saws, portable, post hole diggers, posthole diggers, power tools, pressure washers, redfish rental, rental - sales - service, rental sales service, rental service, rentals, sandblasters, sandblasting eqp, sandblasting eqpt, sandblasting equipment, scaffolding, skid steer loaders, skld steer loaders, steam cleaners, teachers, tillers, trenchers, underwater cameras, underwater tools, underwater video, underwater video systems, weed eaters, welding equipment and welding machines.We are open Mon-Sat and 24 Hours Service.Redfish rentals, air tuggers, com-a-longs, scaffolding & boards, specialty diving equipment.Serving industrial customers.Brands: diesel and dozers.We accept major credit cards accepted for payment.


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