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Tri-State Scuba Water Academy in Cincinnati, OH
Jim's Dive Shop in Saint Petersburg, FL
Beaver Divers.Com in Vail, CO
Adventure Scuba in Plano, TX
Sea Level Scuba LLC - Full Service Diving Equipment & Instruction in Northwood, OH
Sea Laboratory Diving in Lawrenceville, GA
Family Scuba Center in Bradenton, FL
Atlantic Coast Dive Center in Mount Pleasant, SC
Scuba Etc of Sherman in Sherman, TX
Underwater Adventures in Hampton, VA
Sport Divers in Delray Beach, FL
Atlantic Diving Supply in Virginia Beach, VA
Catalina Divers Supply Casino in Avalon, CA
Cristal Clear Charters in Key Largo, FL
Dive Inn Watersports in Port Huron, MI
From Our Blog:
The Variety Of People Who Use Scuba Diving
There are no rules on who can be a scuba diver. There are only rules involved when you want to perform certain dives or instruct other people on diving. Anyone who wants to attempt scuba diving can, after they at least take a basic class on learning the instruments and what is required of a scuba... Continue Reading

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Aquatics Unlimited Inc
  Austin's Diving Center
Barracuda Enterprises
  Bill Jackson Shop For Adventure
Cappy Swope Used Scuba Gear
  Dive Odyssea
Diver's Discount Com
  Extreme Adventures
Fantasea Scuba
  Hess Professional Diving Services
Hill Country Divers
  Horizon Divers
Imperial Dive Service
  International Divers Inc
Lanier Scuba Center
  M B Designs Inc
Manta Ray Enterprises
  Michael Pratt
National Association for Cave
  Openwater Habitat Marine Schools Scuba
Paul Gotz's Undersea Ventures
  Pdic Scuba Instruction
Phoenix International
  Pow'r Scrub Commercial Diving
Professional Dive Training Department
  Reef Seekers Dive CO
Riverside Divers
  Sand & Sea Scuba
Scotty's Scuba School
  Scuba America
Scuba Underwater Recovery
  Scuba Venture Inc
Seahorse Scuba
  Silent World Diving System Inc
Stingray Petes
  Sub-Aqua Training Systems Inc
Sun Divers
  Table Rock State Park - Dive Shop Scuba Info
Tom's Dive Center
  Top Cat Charters
Ultimate Getaway
  Underwater World Inc
Von's Diving Services
  Wa'dda We'rks
Watervision Scuba & Fishing
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